Blood Donation Process

Blood Donation Process


The blood donation process starts from the time donor arrives till he/she leaves which usually takes around an hour. Actual donation itself takes only 5 to 10 minutes at an average.

We have ultra modern sophisticated recliners for the utmost comfort of donors. The donor room is well equipped with air conditioners and music system with an attached refreshment cubicle for rest and relaxation of the donors. Blood donors are attended by our team of Counsellors and doctors who accompany them throughout the procedure.

1. Registration and Counselling

- We will sign you in and go over basic eligibility criterias

- You will read some information about donating blood

- You will answer a few questions about health history during a private and confidential interview

- We will check your temperature , pulse, blood pressure and haemoglobin level

2. Blood Donation

- During the process you will be seated comfortably or lying down

- We will clean an area on your arm and insert a new sterile needle to draw the blood

- Once the donation is complete we will place the bandage on your arm

3. Refreshment and Recovery

- After donation you will have snacks

- You will leave after 10 to 15 minutes and continue your normal routine with some post donation advice from us


  • Donor should drink an extra two-three glasses of water and take nutritious food.
  • Donor should not smoke or drink alcohol after blood donation.
  • Donor should keep your bandage on and dry for the next 10-12 hours.
  • Donor should not do any heavy weight lifting or vigorous exercise for the rest of the day.
  • If the needle site starts to bleed, donor should apply pressure and raise his / her arm straight up until bleeding stops.
  • If donor experience dizziness or light-headedness, he / she should stop what they are doing and sit down or lie down & should raise their feet until feel better.
  • If donor gets bruising of smaller size, he / she should apply ice pack over it. If bruising is larger than 2-3 inch diameter with redness, swelling or pain where the needle was or tingling, please contact us.
  • Keep eating iron-rich foods like spinach, jaggery, Dates. If you donate blood frequently, be sure to take multivitamins with iron to ensure you continue to replenish your iron stores.